To build a specialized, high-performance, high-availability content delivery network capable of distributing real-time gnss data at scale.
GNSS technology is evolving rapidly, but most of today’s systems still lack the integrity and to-the-meter accuracy needed to support autonomous operations like those of small UAVs or self-driving cars. GNSS Foresight addresses these limitations with high-resolution 3D maps of cities and terrain combined with up-to-date heatmaps to give accurate predictions on signal availability in any given area.
Spirent uses the data to perform calculations in a high-performance computing environment, but then it needs a way to send that data to end users in real-time and at scale. For this, they needed a content delivery network (CDN) that would give clients access to real-time GNSS insights. In doing so, it sought to enable reliable autonomous navigation with real-time data for risk analysis, operations planning, and optimization.
Spirent initially looked into several CDN vendors. However, what they really needed was a specialized solution that would offer excellent performance and high reliability for geospatial data.
Spirent considered major vendors like Akamai, Amazon, and Microsoft, but determined they were too generalist to provide the level of functionality they were looking for. They needed a partner to build a customized CDN for Spirent’s data service, so they chose Navmatix.